Directorate of School Education Kashmir ordered Promotion of Trained Graduate/ Post-Graduate Teacherc as Masters- Posting/ adjustment thereof,
Directorate notified the proposal for posting of 285 Promotees on the vacant posts of Masters, vide No: DSEK[SiProm/Noti/3933, dated: 30.12.2023 for inviting suggestions/ comments from all the concerned, and;
Various suggestions/comments regarding the proposal of posting of such Masters received through the official email of this Directorate viz; up-to 03’d January, 2024 (04:30 pm) have been perused/ examined and considered on their merits. Now, therefore, the postlng of 285 Masters promoted vide this Office Order No: 267- DSEK of 2023, dated: [7-LO-2O23 issued under No: DSEIV Estt-III/ A/ 3643, dated: 77.10.2023, forming Annexure- A to this Order is hereby ordered with immediate effect.
However, before implementing this Order, the Chief Education Officer/ Drawing Disbursing Officer (concerned) shall ensure that all the terms and conditions as laiddown in the afore mentioned Promotaon Order are strictly fulfilled, and shall thereafter relieve the official(s) to repoft their new place of posting(s) within 10 days from the date of issuance of this Order.
Any of the official, who fail to join the new place of posting/ adjustment as Master within stipulated time, shall be deemed to have foregone his/ her promotion and no claim whatsoever for such promotion/adjustment shall be entertained later-on.
Order No.33 DSEK of 2024 Dt.17-02-2024 | Promotion of Trained Graduate/ Post-Graduate Teachers as Masters- Posting/ adjustment thereof |