Applications are invited from the interested candidates for Creation of resource pool of trainers for undergoing training and certification through NSDC/SSC PM Vishwakarma Training of Traine (ToT) program and utilizing them for training of Vishwakarma identified under the scheme in the following trade(s) on the basis of prescribed qualification mentioned against the trade.

The To certified applicants shall be utilized as per requirements of the institute. Interested candidates may submit the applications to this Office or the applicants can submit their details on the follow- Ing link up to 24/02/2024 during working hours.

The duly Completed Application Form in the prescribed format must be accompanied with the self attested copies of the following certificates/documents.

  • 1. Aadhaar Card
  • 2. Academic/Technical Qualification Certificate/Marks Certificate.
  • 3. Experience Certificate, if any.
  • The utilization of shortlisted ToT certified trainer shall be as per requirement of the institute purely on temporary basis.
  • The remuneration shall be paid as per norms in vogue and funds under the scheme in this regard. The criteria of shortlisting of resource pool shall be observed same as is followed for shortlist- ing Guest Instructors.
  • The assignment of the resource person shall be discontinued without any prior notice whenever the undersigned desires or due to non performance by the resource person or if the Vishwa- karma are not available for training.
  • The undersigned reserves the right to reject any application/candidature of candidate or advertisement without assigning any reason thereof
  • The trainer shall have to maintain proper discipline and punctuality and shall have to work to the entire satisfaction of the Vishwakarma as well as the Head of Institution.
  • Indiscipline of any kind will entail discontinuation,
  • Mere submission of application or eligibility or conduct of ToT certification shall not entitle any candidate for this assignment.

Job Notification1708535375354

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