Final Seniority List of Jammu and Kashmir Administrative Officers
The final seniority list of members of the Jammu and Kashmir Administrative Officers (Gazetted) Service, as of January 1, 2024, has been officially notified by the General Administration Department. This follows the issuance of a tentative seniority list on September 12, 2024, under Government Order No. 1631-JK (GAD) of 2024.
Key Points
- Objection Period: Officers had a 15-day period to raise objections regarding their position in the seniority list or their recorded date of birth. The General Administration Department has confirmed that no objections were received during this timeframe.
- Verification of Date of Birth: It is important to note that the date of birth listed in the seniority list is not considered definitive. It is subject to verification against the officer’s service book or matriculation certificate.
This final seniority list is now circulated among all members of the Jammu and Kashmir Administrative Officers (Gazetted) Service for their information.