The government of Jammu and Kashmir Home Department on sunday ordered Repatriation/Deputation of Police officials to the Prisons Department.
Reference: (i) Letter No. Pers-D-4-2022/35292 dated 28.08.2023, of Police
Headquarters, J&K. (ii) Letter Nos Esstt/1539/E-199438/1443 dated 19.05.2023, of Director General, Prisons, J&K. Government Order No. 476-Home of 2023 Dated: 01.10.2023
According to a government order, HC Jameela Bano, PID No. ARP973881, presently on deputation to the Prisons Department, in terms of Government Order No. 140-Home (P) of 2021 dated 05.06.2021, is hereby repatriated from Prisons Department to her parent department viz Police Department In the interest of administration.
Consequent upon the above, sanction is hereby accorded to the deputation of Sgct. Hareer-ur-Nisa PID No.ARP096733, to the Prisons Department, on standard terms and conditions, as mentioned in Schedule XVIII of the Jammu & Kashmir Civil Service Regulations, 1956 Vol.1.