Government of Jammu & Kashmir School Education Department released Tentative seniority list of PG Masters/Teachers in the discipline of Islamic Studies and Psychology as it stood on 01.01.2024.
The tentative seniority of PG Masters/Teachers in the discipline of Islamic Studies and Psychology were issued vide Notice dated 17.02.2023. After issuance of the seniority, the Directorates of School Education, Jammu/Kashmir forwarded the service particulars/bio-data of some PG Masters/Teachers in the discipline of Islamic Studies and Psychology for inclusion in the seniority list.
Whereas, in light of Government Order No. 940-Edu of 2017, dated 17.11.2017 proper permission and admissibility of leave is required from the competent authority at the relevant point of time for pursuing PG degree during service.
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The Department examined the issue of permission thoroughly and it has been observed that some incumbents have pursued their PG degree during service through Regular/Distance/Private mode without obtaining proper permission/leave from the competent authority (Administrative Department).
The objections filed by the incumbents, received from respective Directorates for additions/deletions/corrections have been examined in the Department, and all the genuine objections have been entertained; besides the incumbents who have obtained their PG degrees through regular/distance/private mode during service without obtaining proper permission/leave from the competent authority have been included in the Seniority list, with the condition that their inclusion in the seniority and promotion shall be subject to the condition that permission for pursuing PG degree during service is granted by the competent authority on merits; and
Whereas, after the above exercise made in the Department a tentative seniority list as it stood on 01-01-2024 has been prepared and annexed as Annexure-A for inviting objections from members of the cadre who either are not included or are aggrieved with their service particulars / position assigned to them in the tentative seniority list.
Now, therefore, a tentative seniority fist of PG Masters/Teachers in the discipline of Islamic Studies and Psychology as it stood on 01-01-2024, in respect of 714 incumbents as per Annexure-A is hereby circulated for inviting objections, if any, from the concemed members of the service, who either is/are not included in the list or is/are aggrieved with the position assigned to them in the tentative seniority list alongwith authenticated documentary proof of their service particulars/bio-data, within a period of 21 days from the date of issuance of the list.
The objections must be filed/forwarded through concerned Directorates, so as to reach the Administrative Department within stipulated time. Further, no objections in this regard shall be entertained after expiry of the stipulated time period. The tentative seniority list is also available on the official website of School Education Department (Le.
Download PDF – Tentative Seniority list of PG Masters Teachers Islamic Studies. | |
Download PDF – Tentative Seniority list of PG Masters Teachers in the discipline of Psychology. |