JKBOSE Releases List Of Fake Websites- Check Here

SRINAGAR: The Jammu and Kashmir Board of School Education (JKBOSE) stated on Thursday that certain individuals were promoting counterfeit certificates and diplomas on a fake website posing as the educational board.

An official from the board clarified that apart from its official domain, there is no other website associated with JKBOSE.

As per circular, some miscreants have reportedly designed and developed the fake websites under the domains of www.jksos.co.inand www.jksos. org misleading the innocent students by offering them the fake certificates and diplomas not recognized by this Board.

The JKBOSE offers all online services through its website developed by NIC-National Informatics Centre under the domain of www.ikbose.nic.in, As such, in view of reporting of fake websites, it is impressed upon all stake holders to access the legitimate website of JKBOSE for any Board related services, access or usage of the fake website by anybody shall be squarely her/his own responsibility.


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