The Jammu and Kashmir Services Selection Board (JKSSB) conducted the Urdu examination (Descriptive), which is qualifying in nature for the post of Patwari, Revenue Department on 31.03.2024.
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The J&K Services Selection Board (JKSSB) notified the result for the Urdu Examination (Descriptive) for the said post and the same was uploaded on the official website of JKSSB i.e. for information of the candidates and seeking the representations from the concerned candidates for rechecking of marks, if any, (arithmetic calculation checks only) on the prescribed proforma.
In response to aforesaid notification, 143 representation were received that were referred to the Subject Matter Experts.
Now, after the rechecking of the answer sheets by the Subject Matter Expert (arithmetic calculation checks only), the list of the candidates who have qualified the Urdu paper (as per the criteria notified) for the post of Patwari is notified as Annexure “A” to this notification. The result of remaining candidates shall remain unchanged.
DOWNLOAD PDF HERE – Result of the Written examination Urdu Paper (Descriptive) for the Post of Patwari, Revenue Department