JKSSB: Final Selection List For Accounts Assistant (Panchayat) Posts- Download PDF Here

The J&K Services Selection Board notified the Final Selection List of the candidates for the post of Accounts Assistant (Panchayat), in pursuance of Advertisement Notification No. 02 of 2020 dated 06.07.2020, under item No. 01 to 20. The said list has been recommended to vide Letter further the Indenting Department No.SSB/Sel/Secy/2021/4866-72 dated 08 07-2021, for course of action. In the Selection List so forwarded, the recommendation of the below mentioned candidates was kept withheld for the reasons as indicated against each:

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In this regard, a Notice bearing No. JKSSB-LEG/178/2023-03 (E-7180315) dated 12.07.2023, was served to these candidates with an opportunity to submit the requisite documents within 21 days. However, none of these candidates has submitted his/her documents within the prescribed time of 21 days.

Accordingly, the above candidates, through the medium of this Notice, are given a final opportunity to submit the requisite documents within 07 days in the J&K Services Selection Board, (Central Office) Jammu/Srinagar from the date of issuance of this Notice, failing which their recommendations shall be cancelled, without any further notice.


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