JKSSB Releases Withheld Recommendations for HT Grade-IV Posts

The Jammu and Kashmir Services Selection Board (JKSSB) has issued a communication to the Agriculture Production Department regarding the release of withheld recommendations for five candidates selected for the post of Horticulture Technician Grade-IV in the Horticulture Department. These positions were advertised under Notification No. 05 of 2021, dated September 22, 2021, covering Item Nos. 690 to 709.

The recommendations, which had been withheld earlier due to deficiencies, were reviewed and approved in the Board’s 285th meeting. The decision allows the concerned department to proceed with the appointments, subject to conditions outlined by the Board.

Key Points:

Verification and Documentation: The JKSSB clarified that document verification was conducted to establish the physical possession and genuineness of certificates. The appointing authority is responsible for ensuring the validity of technical qualifications and institution recognition.

Compliance Requirement: Candidates whose recommendations have been released must submit their Personal Verification Roll (PVR) to the appointing authority within 21 days, as mandated by Government Order No. 1003-JK(GAD) of 2021. Failure to comply will result in forfeiture of appointment rights.

Legal Safeguards: The appointments remain subject to any pending writ petitions, ongoing inquiries, or future findings of false claims or forged documents, which could lead to selection cancellation and potential legal action.

The communication reiterates that the updated details are available on the JKSSB website, allowing cross-verification if required. The appointing department has been advised to proceed cautiously and ensure adherence to all stipulated conditions.

Final Selection List of the candidates for the post of Horticulture Technician Grade-IV in the Horticulture Department, advertised vide notification No. 05 of 2021 dated 22.09.2021, under item Nos. 690 to 709 – Release of withheld recommendations thereof.

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