The School Education Department of Jammu and Kashmir orderer Regularization of Headmasters and equivalent (In-charge ZEOs and equivalent) as ZEOs & equivalent in School Education Department.
Pursuant to the recommendations of the Departmental Promotion Committee (DPC), constituted vide Government Order No. 115-GAD of 2019 dated 23.01.2019 and in furtherance of SAC Decision No. 166/22/2018 dated 07.12.2018, held on 12.01.2023 & in continuation to Government Order No. 185-JK (Edu) 2023, 26.06.2023, sanction is hereby accorded to the regularization/promotion of following l/c Zonal Educaion Officers/Headmasters & equivalent as Zonal Education Officers & equivalent in School Education Department in the pay grade applicable at relevant point of time, now revised to pay level-9 (Rs.52700-166700) as per the details shown against each:
It is further ordered that:
- The above promotions shall be without prejudice to the outcome of the writ petition(s), if any, pending before the competent court(s) of law,
- The notional effect, wherever indicated, shall not entitle the officers to the grant of any monetary benefit/drawal of arrears and shall be for purposes of seniority only; and
- The seniority of these officers shall be notified as per rules, separately.