Promotion Of Headmasters as ZEOs In School Education Department

The School Education Department of Jammu and Kashmir orderer Regularization of Headmasters and equivalent (In-charge ZEOs and equivalent) as ZEOs & equivalent in School Education Department.

Pursuant to the recommendations of the Departmental Promotion Committee (DPC), constituted vide Government Order No. 115-GAD of 2019 dated 23.01.2019 and in furtherance of SAC Decision No. 166/22/2018 dated 07.12.2018, held on 12.01.2023 & in continuation to Government Order No. 185-JK (Edu) 2023, 26.06.2023, sanction is hereby accorded to the regularization/promotion of following l/c Zonal Educaion Officers/Headmasters & equivalent as Zonal Education Officers & equivalent in School Education Department in the pay grade applicable at relevant point of time, now revised to pay level-9 (Rs.52700-166700) as per the details shown against each:Screenshot 20230916 082636 Screenshot 20230916 082656

It is further ordered that:

  1. The above promotions shall be without prejudice to the outcome of the writ petition(s), if any, pending before the competent court(s) of law,
  2. The notional effect, wherever indicated, shall not entitle the officers to the grant of any monetary benefit/drawal of arrears and shall be for purposes of seniority only; and
  3. The seniority of these officers shall be notified as per rules, separately.

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