JKPSC recommends appointment of 286 Medical officers to Health & Medical Education (H&ME) Department

JKPSC recommends appointment of 286 Medical officers to H&ME Deptt

SRINAGAR, JULY 22: The Jammu & Kashmir Public Service Commission (JKPSC) had made recommendation to the Government in Health & Medical Education (H&ME) Department for appointment of 286 Medical Officers.

The written test, as per rules, for the posts was held recently and the result was declared only in a weeks’ time. After verification of the documents, the Commission in its 7th Meeting, approved to make recommendation to the Government.

Similarly, the Commission in the current month, cleared more than 500 Engineers of different cadres of the PWD (R&B) Department for promotion to the next scales. Other promotion proposals received from the departments are under process and it will be the endeavour of the Commission to clear all promotions in a time-bound manner.

Besides, the Commission is also contemplating to issue annual calendar for various activities like, conduct of examinations, and holding of DPCs. This will be done once all pending promotions and recruitment is concluded by the Commission.

The Commission intends to clear the tasks with regard to direct recruitment and promotion in the current year itself so that the stage is set for following a schedule for various activities.

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