The School education department of Jammu and Kashmir released Final seniority list of PG Masters/Teachers in the discipline of Biochemistry as on 01.01.2024.
The entative seniority list of PG Masters/Teachers in the discipline of Biochemistry as on it stood on 01.01.2023 was issued vide notice No. Edu- HRM/270/2022-01(232986) Dated: 17.02.2023; andand
After issuance of the tentative seniority, the Department received various representations/objections through inclusion/updation in the seniority list; and concerned Directorates.
In light of Government Order No. 940-Edu of 2017, dated 17.11.2017 the Department has examined the representations on case to case basis including the cases involving permission related issues, it has been observed that some PG Masters/Teachers have pursued their PG degree during service through Regular/Distance mode without obtaining proper permission/leave from the competent authority; and
The objections received by the Department from the members of the Cadre with regard to additions/deletions/corrections have been examined and the incumbents who have obtained their PG degrees through regular/distance/private mode during service without obtaining proper permission/leave from the competent authority have also been incorporated in the Seniority list, with the condition that their inclusion in the seniority and further promotion shall be subject to grant of permission for pursuing PG degree during service by the competent authority on merits.
Now, therefore, in terms of Rule 24 of J&K Civil Services (Classification, Control and Appeal) Rules, 1956, the final seniority list in respect of PG Masters/Teachers in the discipline of Biochemistry forming Annexure-A to this order, is hereby issued, subject to the conditions that the date of birth of the incumbents recorded in the seniority list is subject to further verification from service records, also with reference to the original Matriculation certificates of all the concerned.
The seniority list so issued will be subject to outcome of writ petition(s) pending, if any, before any Competent court of law.
Besides, it is ordered that any member of the service who is either not included or is aggrieved with the position assigned to him/her in this final seniority list can file a review petition within 05 days from the date of issuance of this updated final seniority list along with supporting documents, through concerned Directorates which shall be decided on case to case basis. No petition shall been tertained after the expiry of stipulated time period.
The updated final seniority list is also available on the official website of School Education Department (i.e.