Government Issues Important Notice For All J&K Employees – Check Here
Government of Jammu & Kashmir General Administration Department issued notification regarding Annual Property Returns on PRS Portal: Extension of timelines.
As per notice, all the employees working under Jammu and Kashmir Government were advised to file their property returns for the year 2023, w.e.f. 1st January, 2024 to 31st January, 2024 on the PRS Portal, which is accessible on The timelines were further extended w.e.f. 13.02.2024 to 27.02.2024 vide notification dated 12th February, 2024.
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However, it has been observed that many employees have failed to submit their property returns within the extended timeline and have thus made a default in this mandatory process. It has also been observed that various employees have registered themselves on the portal but not submitted their property returns, thus they too have caused a default in submission of their details.
The failure/non-submission of the property returns by the Government employees invites action under the provisions of the Jammu and Kashmir Public Men and Public Servants Declaration of Assets Act and Rules made thereunder.
The matter has been reconsidered in the General Administration Department and it has been decided that a last and final opportunity may be granted to these defaulting employees, who have failed to submit their property returns within the extended timeline.
Accordingly, the submission of property returns by the defaulting employees shall be allowed through online mode on the Property Return System (PRS Portal) w.e.f. 03.03.2024 to 17.03.2024.
Further, all those employees who had registered themselves on the Portal but not submitted their property returns shall submit the same, besides, the unregistered employees shall get themselves registered on the portal and subsequently submit their property returns, during the above stipulated period.
In case the employees encounter issues related to OTP, they shall update their current mobile numbers and email IDs on CPIS portal and further, Disbursing Officers (DDOs) shall ensure necessary facilitation in this regard.
In case of any other issue/ technical support, employees may forward their concerns on for speedy redressal.
It is further enjoined upon all the Controlling Officers/Drawing and Disbursing Officers (DDOs) to ensure compliance with regard to filing of property returns by all the defaulting employees of their establishment. Further, Administrative Departments shall also assess the progress in this regard.