Government of Jammu and Kashmir Agriculture Production Department terminated Dr. Shahbaz Manzoor, Veterinary Assistant Surgeon.
On the recommendation of J&K Public Service Commission, Dr. Shahbaz Manzoor was appointed as Veterinary Assistant Surgeon in Sheep Husbandry Department, J&K vide Government Order No. 201-ASH of 2009 dated 30.12.2005.
Dr. Shahbaz Manzoor, Veterinary Assistant Surgeon was selected for Ph.d in Veterinary Patho-biology at the College of Veterinary Medicine, University of lilinois at Urban-Champaign United States of America for the semester 2019.
The Director General, Sheep Husbandry Department, Kashmir forwarded the case of the officer on 27.05.2019 on the basis of communication of University of Illinois, United State of America stating that all the expenditure shall be borne by the concerned University and by the candidate himself and there will be no financial implications on the Department and during the period, he shall not be paid any Pay and allowance.
The Director General, Sheep Husbandry Department, Kashmir further intimated that the candidate has already accepted the admission offer of the concerned University and was expected to report to the University by or before 12.08.2019.
The case was taken up with the General Administration Department on 23.07.2019, who returned the case vide U.O dated 30.07.2019 with the remarks to obtain the concurrence of the Finance Department in the first instance.
The matter was taken-up with the Finance Department twice, who ultimately vide U.O dated 20.12.2019 conveyed concurrence to sanction 36 months of Study leave in favour of Dr. Shahbaz Manzoor subject to fulfillment of certain conditions, further advised to place the case before the Foreign Training Selection Committee for its recommendations.
Accordingly, the matter was again submitted to the General Administration Department on 22.01.2020 for placing the matter before the Foreign Training Selection Committee and the General Administration Department vide U.O dated 10.02.2020 returned the case with some observation.
As per the observations raised by the General Administration Department, the case was examined in the department and again submitted to the General Administration Department on 21.04.2020 for placing the same before the Foreign Training Selection Committee.
The General Administration Department on 24.12.2020 returned the case with the observations to re-examine the case in light of Rule-62 of J&K Civil Services (Leave) Rules, 1979 and resubmit the same along with a proposal for settlement of excess period of twelve months over and above the study leave of 03 years as admissible under rules.
The case was further examined in light of the advise of the General Administration Department and submitted along with Agenda note to the General Administration Department on 22.01.2021.
The General Administration Department returned the case on 14.02.2022 with certain observations.
The case with reply of the observations was again submitted to the General Administration Department on 30.03.2022 with a request to place the matter before the Foreign Training Selection Committee.
In the meantime, the Director General, Sheep Husbandry Department, Kashmir on 14.12.2022 informed that the said Officer is still on un-authorized absence since 01.12.2019 and requested that the matter may be examined and necessary termination orders of the said Veterinary Assistant Surgeon be issued at an earliest; and
Accordingly, vide Government Order No. 155-JK(APD) of 2023 dated 10.03.2023 Director General Sheep Husbandry, Kashmir was appointed as Inquiry Officer to conduct the inquiry in the matter.
The Director General, Sheep Husbandry, Kashmir in his Inquiry report, forwarded on 23.05.2023, intimated that despite so many notices served to Dr. Shahbaz Manzoor, VAS to resume his duties with repeated reminders, he failed to do so till date as such it seems that he is not interested in resuming his duties back and is busy/involved in his higher studies for his future progression as per his earlier e-mail, and warrants termination from services. Hence, recommended that the case of the officer be dealt under Article 128 of J&K CSR.
The case of Dr. Shahbaz Manzoor, Veterinary Assistant Surgeon, Sheep Husbandry Department was placed before the Foreign Training Selection Committee and the General Administration Department forwarded the minutes of meeting on 07.08.2023 wherein, the Department was asked to re-examine the case in light of Rules/Norms governing the subject.
The Director General Sheep Husbandry, Kashmir vide communication dated 29.12.2023 intimated that the final show cause notice has been served to Dr. Shahbaz Manzoor, Veterinary Assistant Surgeon on 27.09.2023. The said notice was also pubished in leading daily newspapers and no response has been received from the incumbent and once again requested and recommended that the case of the Officer be dealt under Article 128 of J&K CSR and termination order issued accordingly.
Now, therefore, after having the matter considered in its totality, it is hereby ordered that the services of Dr. Shahbaz Manzoor, Veterinary Assistant Surgeon, Sheep Husbandry Department, Kashmir are terminated under the provisions of Article-128 of J&K Civil Service Regulations, 1956. with immediate effect.