JKSSB: Final Selection For Remaining Class-IV Posts – Download PDF List Here
Jammu and kashmir service selection board has released Final Selection List-cum-Allocation of Cadres & for Departments remaining Class-IV Posts under the provisions of the J&K Appointment to Class-IV (Special Recruitment) Rules, 2020, advertised vide Notification No. 01 of 2020 dated 26.06.2020- Release of withheld cases thereof
In reference to the above captioned subject, it is to inform that the 214th Board Meeting of the J&K Services Selection Board, which was held on 18.11.2022 at 11:00 AM, among other agenda items, deliberated the various withheld cases of the Class-IV Selection notified vide No. SSB/Secy/Sel/Class- V/2021/6202-09 dated 06.10.2022 and forwarded to your department vide letter No. SSB/Secy/Sel/Class-IV/2021/6273-78 dated 18.10.2022.
The Board, taking note of the fact that various candidates, in whose cases the recommendations were kept withheld for different reasons, have submitted the requisite Certificates/documents, decided as under:
“The Board perused various cases placed before it and decided to release the withlheld recommendation of such candidates who have fulfilled the deficiencies/submitted the requisite documents…”
Accordingly, I am directed to forward the List of 54 candidates, as per Annexure-A to this communicaton, in whose cases the withheld recommendat were cleared by the Board on account of fuifiling the deficiencies, for necessary action at your end.
It Is further submitted that the document verification/scrutiny conducted by the Board is lImited to the extent of establishing physical possession of category/degree and ascertaining genuineness/validity etc. or otherwise of the same and recognition status of the Institution, shall be responsiblity of the Indenting Department/appointing authority.
Besides, the Certificates produced by the candidates, on the basis of which they have been assigned additional welght-age, may also be verified from the issuing_authorities as the final merit has been determined on the basis of the written score and additional welght-age claimed by the candidates.
Further, the eliqibility of the candidates in_respect of the Minimum and Maximum qualification for these posts (10h and 12″ respectively has been accepted on the basis of the self-declaration of the candidates and the appointing authorities may satisfy themselves on this account before issuing appointment orders.
It is further requested that in case any certificate/document, during the course of verification, turns out to be fake/fictitious, the Board may kindly be kept posted and appropriate criminal proceedings against such candidates may kindly be initiated.
These recommendations are subject to any ongoing inquiry and also outcome of writ petition(s), if any, pending before any competent Court of Law. The above list is also available on the website of the J&K Services Selection Board (www.jikssb.nic.in) and may be cross verified from it, if required.