SBI Clerk Prelims Cut Off Marks 2022 – Check State & Category Wise Cut Off

SBI Clerk Prelims Cut off 2022: The SBI Clerk cut off 2022 will be released on the official website of the State Bank of India. Both state wise and category wise SBI clerk prelims cut off 2022 are announced after the exam result. In the SBI clerk exams, Candidates need to crack only the category wise & state wise overall SBI Clerk cut off 2022.  There are various factors that affect the SBI Clerk Cut off 2022. We analyze all those factors to arrive at the expected SBI clerk prelims cut off 2022.SBI Clerk Cut Off Marks

The State Bank of India had recently conducted the exam for the post of Clerk. On November 12, 19, 20, and 25, 2022 thousands of candidates have appeared for the paper. There are various cut offs which are useful for the candidates such as expected, previous years and the present one. In this case of SBI Clerk. you can view the expected and previous years from this article.

SBI Clerk Recruitment 2022

Name Of The Organization State Bank of India
Name Of The Posts Junior Associates (Customer Support and Sales)
Vacancies 5486
SBI Clerk Exam Date(Prelims) 12th, 19th, 20th and 25th of November 2022
Frequency of Exam Once in a year
Selection Process Prelims- Mains
Category Bank Jobs
Mode of Exam Online
Salary Rs 26,000/- to Rs 29,000/-
Job Location Across India
Official Website

SBI Clerk Prelims Expected Cut Off 2022– State-wise

The SBI Clerk Prelims Exam 2022 was conducted by the officials & the SBI Clerk Prelims Expected cut off marks have been updated here. The cut-off marks help the banking aspirants to know the pattern of difficulty of the exam conducted by SBI.

SBI Clerk Prelims Expected Cut Off  2022
States/UTs General 
Andaman & Nicobar 63-68
Arunachal Pradesh 67-71
Assam 66-71
Chhattisgarh 74-79
Delhi 82-87
Gujarat 63-68
Haryana 77-82
Himachal Pradesh 68-73
Jharkhand 67-72
Karnataka 63-68
Kerala 66-71
Madhya Pradesh 81.75
Maharashtra 66.25
Odisha 80-85
Punjab 73-78
Rajasthan 73-78
Sikkim 70-75
Tamil Nadu 59-64
Telangana 72-77
Uttar Pradesh 71-75
Uttarakhand 72-76
West Bengal 73-77


SBI Clerk Cut off 2022: Factors on which SBI Clerk cut off depends

SBI bank decides the cut-off for every year. It can be different according to the available posts, seat availability, requirement of the candidates etc. This is a variable entity so the candidates must not rely on one cut-off list.

English Language, Numerical Ability, and Reasoning Ability were the subjects in which the aspirants would have to perform better. The cut-off is prepared from the 100 marks of the paper. If an aspirant has scored good marks in these subjects then there are chances for him/her to clear it.

SBI Clerk Prelims Cut-Off 2021

SBI Clerk Prelims Cut-Off 2021 was released along with the result on 21st September 2021 and we have tabulated the state-wise cut-off mark for all categories Categories in the below table. The candidates must have a look at the below table to know the SBI Clerk Prelims Cut Off Marks 2021.

SBI Clerk Prelims Cut Off – State-Wise

Let’s have a look at the category-wise and state-wise SBI Clerk cut-off 2021 prelims exam.

SBI Clerk Prelims Cut Off  2021( Out of 100)
States/UT General  OBC SC ST EWS
Andaman & Nicobar  66.25
Arunachal Pradesh 69.25 69.25 69.25 55.75 69.25
Assam 68.50 67.75 67.50 60 67.25
Chhattisgarh 76.5 76.50 64 62.75 73
Delhi 83
Gujarat 64.5 64.5 63.50 49 64.50
Haryana 79.75  76
Himachal Pradesh 80.25
Jharkhand 69.25
Karnataka 64.25
Kerala 69
Madhya Pradesh 81.75
Maharashtra 66.25 66.25 56 66.25
Odisha 82
Punjab 75.5
Rajasthan 77.75
Sikkim 72.50
Tamil Nadu 61.75
Telangana 73.75
Uttar Pradesh 81.25 78 70 55.25 81.25
Uttarakhand 81.75 73 66.75 66.75 75.25
West Bengal 79.75 76 64.75 79.75 79.75

How to Check SBI Clerk Cut off 2022 Category-Wise?

We know that you are quite eager to know the cut off marks. So, you can follow the steps which are mentioned below to know the cut off marks both state and category-wise.

  1. Browse the official website of SBI
  2. Go to the careers section
  3. If you will scroll down to the page, you will find a link to cut off
  4. Click on the link and enter the details as needed
  5. The PDF will be opened on a new tab for you
  6. save, download and take a print out of the cut-off list for your reference.

Kindly note that the cut-off for the prelims exam is not yet released by SBI on the official website. However, the candidates can follow these steps when the cut-off will be available.

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