School Edu Deptt Orders Delegation of DDO Powers For Various Educational Institutions/offices of Kashmir Division - Job Careers
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School Edu Deptt Orders Delegation of DDO Powers For Various Educational Institutions/offices of Kashmir Division

The School Education Department of Jammu and Kashmir ordered Delegation of DDO Powers in respect of various Educational Institutions/offices of Kashmir Division.

Reference: DSEK/Estt/Gaz/836 Dated 26.09.2023 from Director, School Education, Kashmir. Government Order No. 319-JK (Edu) of 2023 Dated: 27.09.2023

Sanction is hereby accorded to the delegation of Drawing & Disbursing Powers of 33 headless Institution(s)/Office(s) to the officer(S) detailed in “Annexure-A” to this order till regular Heads are posted in these Institution(s)/Office(s).


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