Selection List Of Class IV Posts In Department of Food, Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs (FCS&CA)- Download PDF Here
The General Administration Department vide communication No. GAD/MTGORBIV/267/2022-09-GAD dated 27.10.2022 forwarded the recommendations/selection list issued by the J&k Services Selection Board vide communication No. SSB/Secy/Sel/Class-IV/2021/6273- 78 dated 18.10.2022 which also included selections for 379 (three hundred seventy nine) Multi Tasking Staff (Class-IV) posts pertaining to Department of Food, Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs viz (01 Divisional Cadre, Jammu and 378 District Cadres) for appointment under the provisions of the J&K Appointment to Class-IV (Special Recruitment) Rules, 2020 notified vide S.0 184 of 2020 dated 04.06.2020;
The General Administration Department vide Government Order No. 528-JK(GAD) of 2021 dated 21.06.2021 has made it mandatory for selected candidates to submit their Personal Verification Rolls (PVRs) for conduct of Verification of their Character and Antecedents and had thus forwarded the selection list of the candidates to the respective Deputy Commissioners with the request to ensure the filling of their character.